“I grew up with biodynamics on my parents’ Jurlique herb farms. To grow our grapes any other way was unthinkable.” – Erinn
Biodynamics & Revegetation
Biodynamic winemaking goes back to basics, harnessing nature’s energy to produce wines that are beautiful, authentic and expressive of our own terroir.
The biodynamic process is steeped in tradition, culture and history. Four principles are core to our craft:
- working with the cycles and rhythms of nature
- no synthetic chemicals (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilisers)
- working towards a self-sustaining, closed-unit farming system
- handmade biodynamic preparations as originally developed by the founder of the biodynamic process, Rudolf Steiner.
At Ngeringa we revere a soil full of life, where healthy microbial activity encourages abundant humus and nutrients, ultimately strengthening the life force of the vine.

Eight biodynamic preparations are made by hand, as well as special soil and foliar brews – rich with seaweed, fish, equisetum/casuarina, stinging nettle, chamomile or yarrow. These preparations are essential immunity boosts to the vines at times of stress or fungal pressure.
Large volumes of biodynamic compost are also made and applied to the soil annually. Milk whey is our standard replacement for the majority of sulphur sprays and we aim to apply a cow-manure based paste to pruning wounds in winter.
Our farm works in harmony with our vineyards. Our animal husbandry is simple yet mindful, with each herd moved between pastures every 10 days to reduce disease pressure. Homeopathic and herbal preparations are given when needed.

Revegetation: Restoring our Natural Environment
Ngeringa at Mount Barker Springs began as open cleared farmland, with some native trees planted along property borders. Since establishing our vineyard and winery in 2001, our commitment to the intrinsic health of our land has created a long-term revegetation plan, in partnership with Trees for Life.
We are so fortunate to produce our wines in such a beautiful place. However, we lament the historical and current loss of native habitat and biodiversity across Australia. To ensure the long-term survival of our delicate ecosystem and hence maximise sustainable farming production, we are committed to operating our farm alongside native fauna and flora.
To us, sustainability means minimising impact and ensuring the long-term health of our natural environment, both within and beyond Ngeringa.
In the distance, from our farm home, we can still see bare ridge lines, open paddocks and lone remnant gum trees. Our property-wide revegetation program will eventually change our landscape significantly. Plots of land have been set aside on all three Ngeringa properties for seed planting over future years.
In the summer of 2007/08, we seeded our first few hundred indigenous plants to small tubes and have done so every year since then, seeding out each species according to natural germination dates.
The first seedlings planted out in winter 2009 are growing strongly. And every winter since, as Trees For Life members, we have planted up to 1500 endemic plants across our properties. Another 1000 plants are waiting in pots to be planted this winter.
We are extremely grateful for the ability to improve the natural capital of our properties with special thanks to the fabulous organisation that is Trees For Life. To find out how you can help with revegetation in your local area, contact Trees For Life.
“On my family farm in Canberra we adopted a do-it-yourself, traditional approach with an emphasis on our natural environment, We knew it was a gift to start our vineyard on healthy, vibrant, uncontaminated soil.” – Janet