NGERINGA Grass-Fed Lamb

NGERINGA Grass-fed lamb, has been raised on the NGERINGA Biodynamic Farm, without antibiotics, or exposure to chemical and pesticides.

The animals on the NGERINGA farm are an integral part of our biodynamic farming practices, helping to control pests and recycle nutrients through the property, and enhancing the health and vitality of our soils.

NGERINGA Grass-fed lamb is a flavoursome, nourishing and sustainable choice for your family.



Lamb mince $20kg (approx 750g - 1kg bags)

Lamb roast cuts. Legs or shoulders. $20kg (Approx 1.8 - 3.2kg ea)

Lamb shanks $20kg (approx 5kg bags) limited stock

Lamb backstrap $30kg. (Approx 1.5 - 2.5kg bags)

Lamb stock bones $5ea (approx 2kg)

Complimentary bag of soup bones with every order >$150.

All lamb is vacuum packed and frozen.



1. Use the order form below or email your order to
2. The team will respond with availability and total price. 
3. When you are happy with the order we will send you an invoice and pack your order.
4. Once the invoice is paid, we will be able to arrange a time for collection. We have team on-site 7 days per week.

Email your order request